  Sorry about the njc, I will remember it for future post.  Since when is CNN
reps.?  The link is a transcript of a CNN news story.  They(reporters) where
about Dachels comments and where his information came from.  There were also
quotes from demos. and reps.  There is no 'spin' to this, only news reporting.
As for
G.W. having anything to lose, sure he does. However, so do demos.  To only say
and reps. have anything to lose is one sided.  Both parties have jobs, careers
at stake.
Both parties have people who will use war to farther their privet agendas.
That is
why it is important to read/hear both sides.  To way the total information,
and not
one sided quips.  War should not be a political platform, it is serious.  The
other poll
at CNN ask, "Do you believe that Iraq is connected to the Al Q.?"  79% said
yes. Yes
based on the intelligence information we have received. I don't want to "put a
on anything, I simply want ALL the information given.
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