I also picked it up, Victor, and I'm with you - I haven't really listened
to it a lot yet, but I DO love the sound of it. Reminds me of the "feel
good" sound of the 70's Stevie Wonder stuff. And she released 16 tracks,
pretty impressive for a follow-up. I hope she's still around to enjoy
people saying "Alicia WHO?" ;~)

Also out this week - Beck's "Sea Change", which I got based on the early
reviews. What an interesting record! Very ethereal and moody, sounds like
Nick Drake sings the Pink Floyd/Radiohead songbook or something. Have never
been that into his stuff but couldn't resist this one and I like it a lot.

And to top off the week's 'Hat Trick", Ryan Adam's AWESOME new one
"Demolition". More drop dead gorgeous ballads, and rockers ala The
Replacements. Could writing great songs really be as easy as Adams makes it
seem to be? I listened to a buddy's copy, hoping to get my copy soon! ;~)

So much great music - so little time!


NP: Neil Young, "Bite The Bullet"

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