<<So, I was just wondering if anyone knows what is being sung as that high
chorus-type refrain in Song for Sharon, and also who, if anyone, was Joni
referring to in A Strange Boy?>>

Thanks for the intro, congratulations on your discovery (of Joni AND of the
JMDL), and also hats off to your Dad for showing you the way! Welcome!

Your questions are good ones, they've been asked before, but never answered
that I can recall. The refrain in SFS has always sounded to me like a
mono-syllabic chant, not really a specific lyric one. And as for the
subject of 'A Strange Boy", that also remains a mystery. A rascally member
once concocted a WONDERFUL lie about his adventure with Joni and how this
song was writtena about him. Fished in a lot of folks including me!

Look forward to hearing lots more from you!


NP: ZZ Top, "A Fool For Your Stockings"

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