Relayer wrote:
>Does anyone knoe how
>often Joni checks in here?

Then Jerry wrote:
>I'm not aware of her reading messages, but I do know she read the bio
>section of the cookbook that we gave her. She was VERY pleased with it. And
>I mean she really read it all. As far as meeting Joni stories, there are
>many. I hope if people post them again that we can collect them somewhere on

At the time that article was written (1997), Joni had a friend who was a 
member of the list and would print out certain digests for Joni to read.  I 
can't imagine that Joni has really read much if anything since then.

As for all the personal Joni stories... why yes!  There is already a 
section on the JMDL to collect those.  The section is called "Blondes in 
the Bleachers" (get it? cute, huh? :-)  and can be found here:

It started out as a section listing all her performances but has evolved 
into a concert review/Joni sighting area.  I want to encourage 
contributions from all who have a personal Joni story or a concert review 
to share.


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