[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in response to this:
> > **It probably is her last recording so maybe all
> > of you should give the complaining a rest and think about the art and beauty
> > she has given the world. Have any of us done what she has? **
> I'm on a couple of other discussion lists where any kind of negativity gets
> hushed by messages like this. Of the many wonderful things I love about this
> group, one is that we get to go beyond being mere worshipful "fans" to being
> able to speak openly, honestly & objectively and can do so with respect,
> expecting to be treated with respect.
> I've plunked down (a lot of) my semi-hard-earned money for her work, and part
> of the privilege of that is getting to state my opinion on it.

I'm with you on this one, Mr. Momentarily Cranky Bob! No matter how it's
said, it bugs me when people are told to be quiet about something. 

It seems healthy to me to wonder about and thoroughly discuss the "total
Joni", even if it sometimes leads to less than worshipful things being
said, or even, gasp, Complaints. We're all  here because of appreciating
Joni, so such "complaining" never lasts very long and adds a bit of 
spice to the mix. Sometimes it even helps me see things about Joni I
hadn't noticed before, or appreciate her even more if I disagree with
someone's negative comment. A big part of Joni's appeal for me is that
she's so real. We all should be allowed to be real also. And that
involves expressing, respectfully and honestly, how we view and feel
about things.

Debra Shea

NPIMH:  Joni singing... "I am not some stone commission like some
statute in a park, I am flesh and blood and... something else..."

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