> "Life wasn't a continuum of events, although it wore the guise of
> exactly that. Instead, it was actually a carousel. In infancy, one
> mounted a galloping pony and started out on a journey during which one
> assumed that circumstances would change as the expedition continued. But
> the truth of life was that it was an endless repetition of what one had
> already experienced...round and round and up and down on that pony. And
> unless one dealt with whatever challenges one was *meant* to deal with
> along the route, those challenges appeared again and again in one form
> or another till the end of one's days. If he hadn't subscribed to that
> notion before, J.W. Pritchley was a believer now."

I can see clearly why it would bring to mind The Circle Game.
More surpisingly for me, i was thinking more or less the same thing
yesterday. About how lessons keep presenting themselves until we recognize
them and learn them. Some of these lessons are not easy at all and they
would differ from person to person. It is strange that although the
circumstances may differ and the people may differ, the lesson is the same.
At least that is what i was thinking about a particular 'lesson' I think I
have to come to grips with.

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