In a message dated 04/10/2002 08:06:58 GMT Daylight Time, 

<< And, speaking of good books, I recently finished "The Cornish Trilogy" by 
Robertson Davies that several people enthusiastically recommended a while 
ago. I started the first book last fall and couldn't get into it, and then 
picked it up a few months ago, started again and ended up zipping through all 
three. What great reading! Thoroughly enjoyable. No Joni allusions, but lots 
of imagination and humor and interesting characters. Any suggestions about 
what Davies to read next? >>

I'm sure you'll enjoy the Deptford Trilogy too, more vintage Davies, full of 
vivid characters, pungent dialogue, humour, wisdom and philosophy.  I haven't 
read the Salterton Trilogy, though the friend who first recommended him to me 
told me it was right up there.  The Cunning Man is very good too.

Do check out this wonderful writer, all you listers with a taste for funny 
and erudite writing.

Azeem in London

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