I was listening to a local (Boston) talk radio station this afternoon. 
Usually they broadcast liberal-bashing shows with hate-mongering hosts for 23 
hours a day (96.9 FM), but they do have one okay show from noon to one on 
weekdays (Eagan & Broudie). 

Today, in honor of Bruce's appearance tonight at the Fleet Center, Eagan & 
Broudie featured a call-in poll that co-host Jim Broudie was conducting which 
asked, "Is Bruce the best male performer in the world, or is Jim crazy?" 

Anyway, the votes were about 95% for Bruce, 5% for Jim being crazy. Then, 
after dealing with one caller who disagreed with him, Broudie said, "It's 
like the greatest female performer of our time -- Joni Mitchell -- said, "You 
don't know what you've got till it's gone." 

! ! ! 

He didn't say that Joni was the greatest female singer or songwriter or 
musician, he said she was the GREATEST FEMALE PERFORMER OF OUR TIME!!! (Even 
I don't go that far, although I *would* say greatest songwrter, male or 

I think this guy should be on this list.

Have a great weekend, everybody. 


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