And just how would you "fiercely" defend that right?  I do support Bush on
That choice  is not some need to kick a--  rather a resignation that some
can not be "talked" with.  You had a weekend of love and peace.  I've had a
lifetime of freedom in a country that has had to fight many wars.  Why not
a group of JM listers and fly to Iraq? Play Sadam JM, and tell him you want
Then if he listens, and you come back alive, then call Washington and tell
how easy it is.  I would prefer peace, I would prefer love, but history has
us that is not always possible. I will place the call, and let them know I

> Everyone who feels motivated, please make your voice heard, again and
> again. It is so important to keep the pressure on in these next few
> days.

Personally, I think this whole war push is ill-considered and ill-advised but
I will
fiercely defend the right of anyone (including the vocal minority on this
list) to
disagree with the war opposers and to have their voice heard.Get more from the
Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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