"You had a weekend of love and peace.  I've had a
lifetime of freedom in a country that has had to fight many wars.  Why
a group of JM listers and fly to Iraq? Play Sadam JM, and tell him you
Then if he listens, and you come back alive, then call Washington and
how easy it is."

This is very unfair.

Why doesn't everyone who supports Bush and war do the right thing -
don't expect to send other people to fight wars you support - you
enlist, you go wage war, you go do it, don't sit at home and say send
others, and no damn excuses - you want war, you fight it yourself.  No
excuses.  Quit sending others.  Talk is cheap.  You want it, you do it
yourself,.  If you won't do it yourself, then don't sit at home all cozy
and send others in your place.  Go and kill and be prepared to be
killed.  Do it your name, not in mine.  And do it yourself.

And when the thousand reasons are listed that you can't do it yourself,
knowing that you sit at home, listening to Joni Mitchell and expect
other people to kill and be killed while you sit in all the comforts of
home and listen to Joni Mitchell.

That there are those of us who think there are other ways, better ways,
to respond to real situations in the world, we don't deserve the
ridicule and the unfair cheap shots that we got in the paragraph that I

Vince, father of a Marine, a Marine who may be an asshole to his former
girlfriend and child, but still is my son, the son that people who have
no intention of putting their lives on the line for their beliefs, they
want my son to kill and be killed while they sit at home - you want
sacrifice, sacrifice yourself, not my son.  I believe there are other
ways that do not involve a war that would kill the sons and daughters of
many people on all sides.

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