 Take a deeper breath.  It was easy to post as I did.  Yes Brenda did
defend the "minority" voice, and would defend my rights.  I still ask HOW?
I came on this list only a few weeks ago and have read many post about
Bush.  You said some wars we had to fight including WWI, and WWII.  Tell
me how long we waited before getting into those wars?  How far did it get?
To say this is retaliatory for his father is a childish and uninformed
Yes, I do enjoy democracy, of course I'm also very aware of the price that
has been paid, and may need to be paid.  I'm so very glad you had such a
wonderful experience at the fest, and I'm glad you live in a country that
affords you freedoms to do that.  I have chosen my battles.  It is not easy
to send your relatives into battles. To see the worry, and fear in your
eyes as her only son goes.  But I have read the news articles, I have watched
the reports, and if we go to war, and if my family must fight this war, it is
because it must be fought, and talks, and love and JM cannot change it.
Take a deeper breath of this free air Susan, and remember it is sarcastic
patriots like me, and my family that fought wars to bring it to you.
                       Kasey   Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer
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