Breathe. Take a breath Susan, I keep telling myself ... Okay I can not keep my mouth 
shut on this!

How could such an innocuous post as Claud's and Brenda's bring such ire and sarcasm 
and get you to
draw your sword so quickly here?!  Kasey, just a suggestion, choose your battles more 
wisely.  And
that's pretty much the same thing we or I am saying about the Bush administration's 
plans for
Iraq.  This is nothing more than a vendetta for his father's failures.  All here are 
welcome to
state or convey their opinions, but Kasey,  - Brenda for one was defending you and 
others who may
not be opposed to the war.  And Claudia simply gave an alternative, in that the public 
can be a
part of the process - KASEY THAT IS Democracy! Hope you ARE enjoying it!

While I am no fan of Saddam Hussein, or his regime, I also can not bare to see the 
massacre of the
innocents taking place either.  If you remember we had that here on 9/11 ... and it 
really wasn't
very fair to all the victims, their families and Americans in general.  

The successes of Afghanistan were based widely on a coalition of many countries.  We 
have almost
no support for this particular scenario.  Although that is not always necessary.  
There has been a
severe crippling of the monies and refuge for terrorism's purpose. But that battle is 
far from
over, I would agree. 

But I find it hard to justify war in this particular case.  YES we fought wars that 
needed to be
fought, such as Revolutionary, Civil, WWI & WWII.  
BUt Granada, Viet Nam and Iraq here and now?  Come on!  

And you know the thing that paricularly pisses me off here is your mocking of us, 
because we used
our beautiful experience at Jonifest as an example. There was no antagonism or spite 
in either
Claudia's or Brendas posts. But because we expressd some peace, love and understanding 
- which by
the way you could use a good dose of, you fire it like a weapon right back at us.  How 
cruel and
cold. None of us were throwing any flames - oh make no mistake I am now!

Yes Brenda you are very pragmatic and I always appreciate what you have to say, your 
stuns me.  And Claudia my friend, your heart is soo big and you are a most beautiful 
human being. 
I thank both of you again for your touch and imprint in this community.

To the rest of the list I am sorry for not being able to keep it shut!  But lately, 
becasue we
(liberals) are in the majority here (JMDL), we take an ass kicking.  Seems I remember 
when we were
the minority (political arena)in the 80's and early 90's we took one as well.  We may 
not use
violence to fight, but damn it we will fight for our side as well.  We can not be 
intimidated into
silence - and clearly I am not.

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