This is very unfair.
So was 9/11
                                         Go and kill and be prepared to be
killed.  Do it your name, not in mine.  And do it yourself.
If I were to go it would be for ALL Americans. And make no mistake about it
if ask I would go, and yes freedom, and peace, and love are worth dieing for.

That there are those of us who think there are other ways, better ways,
to respond to real situations in the world, we don't deserve the
ridicule and the unfair cheap shots that we got in the paragraph that I

What other way was suggested Vince? What was said was to spread what
you had a the fest to the rest of the world.  I said go ahead and try it.
call Washington and tell them how easy it was. Tell me your solution oh wise
and all knowing Vince.  You call Bush and tell him how to resolve this.
                              - you want
sacrifice, sacrifice yourself, not my son.
How narrow minded can you be.  This is about all of us. Your son,
your fest, your rights.  Our country, our freedoms, our rights. I have
a nephew  also in the Marines,  and a niece in the navy, and my fear and
pride are high levels.  There are many other fathers, and mothers with
kids in the service, that aren't assholes to their partners or kids, so I'm
real sorry Bush can't put this on hold for your son.  Maybe once he is
you will support  Bush, after all then this whole thing won't be about you
any more.
 Kasey      Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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