kasey simpson wrote:

> Maybe once he is
> discharged
> you will support  Bush, after all then this whole thing won't be about you
> any more.

You know nothing about the people whom you flip off with your sarcasm.  Your
little one liners to Brenda, Susan, me, whoever, are oh so clever.

You are making a very serious charge of hypocrisy to me, as you have made it to
others, including your little cheap shot that "you* and *your family* brought
freedom to the rest of us, when you wrote to Susan that "sarcastic patriots like
me, and my family that fought wars to bring it [free air] to you."

I suspect you have NO CLUE as to who in this forum has been in the military, who
has not, and who has done what, but you give us the classic cheap, cheap shot
about what *you* have done.   And frankly, the issue of response to terrorism,
including war, deserves more than clever bon mots of sarcasm.  This is not a
game.  This is life and death.

And there are members of this forum - not myself by the way - you spent
September 11th choking in the dust of the collapsed towers.  This is very real
to all of us because of those connections.

And  you presume without knowledge of whom you are speaking to, to suggest that
my politics are affected my self-interest.  Well, there are a lot of people on
these boards who know me and whether they agree with me on any certain thing or
not,. they can evaluate your accusation for what it is worth.

You have been a member here a very short time.  That is fine; we were all new
once, and the JMDL is strengthened, blessed, and grows with new people.  But for
someone so new, I find the commentary on other JMDLers to be, well, unusual.

You have political positions you wish to advance, by all means, do so, a lot of
us, me including, comment on political matters.

But you might wish to avoid the personal attacks and cheap shots on people whom
you do not know - or even on people you do - and stick to the issues without the
personal comments.  This is not a forum for the personal attack, for the lumping
of people into stereotypical categories and making attacks.   Within any given
subject, we have a broad, broad range of opinions that  are as diverse as a
prism and reflect as many points along the spectrum as possible.  I have learned
much from the differing perspectives and insights of others.  People here are
real, varied, and diverse, and it has been respect for one another, love for
another, that has allowed us to go through the most difficult of issues with
free-ranging discussions.

Vince  NPIMH: the last verse of "Woodstock"

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