OK, one last post before I call it a night...

Congrats to 2 of my all-time fave JMDLer's Rev. Vince & Smurphy for their 
victories in my covers contest! 

My selection was "Carey" from Blue, both Bob & Vince guessed "Blue" from 
Blue, so they were just one song away from nailing it on the nose!
Both of these fine gentlemen win not just Covers #33, but also my "Sweet 16" 
collection of some of the best of what I've heard so far.

Thanks to all of you who guessed, I'll be doing it all over again in November 
with a new volume & a new bonus freebie.

(I guess now Murphy has to come out of the closet and fess up to being a 
covers geek like me! ;~D)


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