kasey wrote >But I have read the news articles, I have watched the reports,
and if we go to war, and if my family must fight this war, it is because it
must be fought, and talks, and love and JM cannot change it. Take a deeper
breath of this free air Susan, and remember it is sarcastic
patriots like me, and my family that fought wars to bring it to you.<

wow kasey...this is strange logic indeed...am i correct in interpreting the
above to mean that you believe that since you fought in a war, that you are
taking credit for either the air itself or the fact that we are all alive &

to be compassionate, i am sure this is not what you meant even if it
appeared as such...i feel there must be something underneath what you have
written, that is not being said...i think if you take a moment to speak to
us from your heart, about your own involvement in fighting a war & what it
meant to you...& the reasons that you personally feel this war is justified,
that perhaps we might better understand where you are coming from..

i too have read & watched...but have come to different conclusions about the
neccessity & reasons for this war...i hope that this does not mean that i
am, in your opinion, not patriotic...

the timing of this war leads me to believe that the bush team is
manipulating the emotions of an emotionally devastated population...i also
have family in the military (& support their decision to be there) which
compells me to speak out against this frighteningly idiotic war...

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
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