if you are inclined to take action against this war plan, here is an excerpt from 
another email  of info a friend sent me today:

>>We are going to ask you to do something very important Monday morning,
something that might help stop a war. The House will vote next week giving the 
President unprecedented power to maker war. The Senate  will probably vote the 
following week and then Congress will recess October  18th. We may have one chance 
left  to stop this war and that is to support  Senator Byrd from West Virginia in his 
plans to filibuster this power grab by the President and the conservatives around him. 
  Senator Robert Byrd is offering to filibuster the proposal if he gets enough support 
from us.  I implore you to stop everything and contact him with your support: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call his office at 202-224-3954.<<

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