Hi all beautiful joni people:

Let me be counted in opposition to a war on Iraq.

Patriotism does not equal first stike. . .

We can't, for a minute, forget innocent people who suffer and die in wars.  
It is a lack of reverence and imagination if we forget . . . also. . .  
let's not forget the annihilation of the animals and the environment.

I do think many people in general lack imagination.

I don't want to be responsible for complying with any government who throws 
the first strike. . .  Who ever STRIKES FIRST is the one who starts the war.

Don't we try to teach our children to walk away from a fight?

In my school (6th through 8th grade) the child who hits first is the one who 
gets in the most trouble. . .   because they are the ones who started it.

Does this sound too simple?
I know it does.

What are we teaching our kids if we, as a nation, strike first?

with love

"can I help you find the peace
and the star, oh my friend?

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