Victor said, I have been through hell but have never
>stopped believing in dreams and love and the power of

Kasey said to that:

>Nice sentiments but realistic, no.  I believe in love, dreams, and the 
>power of music as well but they have nothing to do, in my opinion,  with 
>the realities of politics or war.

I disagree 100%, I think love and dreams are definitely connected with the " 
realities of politics and war." In fact I believe the more we separate them 
as a culture the deeper we are in trouble.

"One of the most important things to have is compassion. We cannot buy iy in 
a big department store...we cannot produce it by a machine. Only by inner 
development, without inner peace it is completely impossible to end war and 
achieve world peace"- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

"A good mind and good heart, warm feeling - these are vital. If you don't 
have such a good mind, you yourself can't function, you cannot be happy, 
your mate, children or neighbors and so forth won't be aooy either. And thus 
from nation to nation and continent to continent, everyone's mind becomes 
disturbed, people loose happiness. But thenn on the other hand, if you have 
a good mind, love, a good attitude. then the opposite is true."- His 
Holiness the Dalai Lama

This is truth......not some wacky abstract dream....we are all part of 
cultivating peace as huge as it seems, as we are all part of cultivating 
war. Even the largest river starts like a pin prick.

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