Cynthia wrote:

> And, forgive me if I'm missing a point here, but don't "we" (the
> "we" comprised of those who want/support this war - not me!) also
> hope for *their* destruction????  Do "we" love them?  Isn't it
> easy for our side to be noble and theirs, evil?

Well, I wrote the we in this instance Cynthia and I oppose action against
Iraq, at least I did yesterday.  After listening to the President, I don't
know what I think.  You make some very good points.  I do know what I don't
want.  I don't want war.  I don't friends to die in that war  nor anyone
else.  After writing that, I guess I still oppose action against Iraq, right
or wrong.  Glad I am not making the decision.


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