> Today a child was shot in the DC area.
> This is the 6th or 7th sniper death in the last, what, 4 days?

Since you brought that up, Vince ...

The child is 13 years old and was shot outside his school this morning 
in Bowie, MD.  He was NOT killed, thank goodness.  He is in critical 
but stable condition.

Likewise, the 43-yr-old woman who was shot in Spotsylvania County, VA, 
on Friday night was not killed.  Her condition has been upgraded from 
serious to fair.

This is the 8th shooting since Wednesday evening (not counting the 
bullet through the window at Michael's craft store, which did not hit 
anyone).  The majority of bullet fragments appear to be from the same 

The reason I know so much about this is that the first 5 shootings 
occurred where I live, shop, and play.  My house is in the center of 
the radius in which the shots were fired.  I buy gas at those stations; 
one of them is across the street from my shrink's office.

For me, this is personal.  I'm still deciding whether to load and carry 
my .38 (or something larger and more lethal), just on the off chance I 
see this fucker.  Probably I won't, but I am frustrated, angry, and 
yeah ... just a little bit unnerved.



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