> The reason I know so much about this is that the first 5 shootings
> occurred where I live, shop, and play.  My house is in the center of
> the radius in which the shots were fired.  I buy gas at those stations;

I was reading this horror

> one of them is across the street from my shrink's office.

this made me laugh at the irony

> For me, this is personal.  I'm still deciding whether to load and carry
> my .38 (or something larger and more lethal), just on the off chance I
> see this fucker.  Probably I won't, but I am frustrated, angry, and
> yeah ... just a little bit unnerved.

and this made 'across the street from my shrink's off' even funnier.

No I know it isn't a joke and an awful situation but the irony(if that is
the right word) stands out.

(in case I nedd to explain-iw as thinking you would need a shrink to live

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