My apologies for the previous blank post.

> Lori,
>   I have written many post on list to people who
> have posted to me.  Why just the exchange between
> Bree and I are questioning?

Kasey, I don't mean to ruffle your feathers, so I hope you'll take my 
comments constructively and with the respect I intend.

It just seemed to me that the "bree/riverboat NJC" posts were a 
personal exchange between you and Bree, with no content relevant to 
anything else being written about on the list.  It reminded me of an 
instant messaging session.

Just a few days ago Les reminded us of list etiquette:

> 5) Don't throw "crumbs": People sometimes tend to use the discussion
> list as a chat room. <snip> (There is a chat room here:
> 6) Post from within the ballpark: ...the JMDL is an unmoderated
> discussion of anything and everything related to the "life, art,
> music, and times of Joni Mitchell". We don't always talk about Joni
> but we try to "stay in the ballpark".

The riverboat discussion wasn't very near the ballpark, although I 
guess you could have been thinking about Riverfront Stadium at the time.

Les did not include list etiquette number 7, but I will include the 
first sentence here now:

7) Please do not post another's private email to the list without their

I emailed you and Bree privately to inquire about your posting.  I'm 
not sure why you decided to forward my post to the list, and there's no 
real harm done, but you did do it without my permission.

For anyone who would like to refer to it, JMDL list etiquette in its 
entirety can be found here:

Best to all,


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