"Lavieri, Vince [185776]" wrote:
> Speaking of playoffs, our old friend Marcel is a SF Giants
> fan and I keep sending him good luck notes along with
> pictures of Bush reading a book with the book upside down,
> etc., and the poor guy is besides himself.

"Our" old friend?  He's NO friend of mine, for good reason, but I won't
hold a grudge against the Giants about that, and friend or not, I do
hope he's enjoying the Giants' success. It really is exciting when a
team a person's followed for years gets close to the championship.

> and as beloved as Joni is on the White Sox message boards,
> as I post here periodically, I wish you all would support
> the Sox next season!

Wow, that's a fantastically big wish. Good luck with that one! Go Sox
Go! (just practicing to see how it feels :-).

Debra Shea

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