I don't know if this is insight but, I'll take a stab at this
'foreshadowing' from the point of view of Joni as a artist - lyricist and
painter.  Many artists are never quite finished with an idea.
Joni, as an artist/painter, must have been aware of the history of women
artists/painters.  Let me draw on an analogy - that of Berthe Morisot, a
19th century painter from France.  Morisot was a prolific painter but was
more often the subject in paintings executed by the more popular male
painters.  While she exhibited at the Salons, her work was more often not in
a prime viewing space BUT works by Manet in which Morisot was the subject
were!  Morisot struggled with this and as a result only created one (maybe
two - I'll have to go look) self portraits.  Morisot was accepted by
Impressionists such as Manet,Pissarro, Renoir, but was never fully
recognized for her talent, imo, until the mid to late 20th century.  That's
a real short, skinny on Morisot.

When I listen to Joni's 'The Gallery' I think of someone like Morisot.  I'd
like to think that Joni may have read about her.  I also think that Joni is
trying to show how she 'broke out of the mold' of being a subject in a male
artist environment (remember that FTR was released in 1972 during an ever
emerging feminist movement) and took control when she created FTR.  She
exhibited herself not only in the photograph but through her lyrics.  She
boldly exposes herself as an artist - here I am - take it or leave it.
Joni started with an idea in 1969 and evolved it into a personal statement

Just my take.

Excellent start for a thread Hell!


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-joni@;jmdl.com]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 11:03 AM
To: "hell"
Subject: Re: Foreshadowing?

hi hell!  (and you are welcome!  its an interesting way to listen to joni,
isn't it?  having the old stuff juxtaposed with the more recent?  "joni -
out of order!")

anyway, i think this is a very interesting question you raise and i hope
someone with some insight can expound on it.  i have often wondered myself
(assuming the gallery is autobiographical, and it sounds as if it is) if
those lyrics mean there is a nude of joni out there somewhere!  but i never
made the very interesting connection between those lines and the nude shot
on for the roses.  i think that is kind of fascinating...

and did i dream this, or has anyone else heard that the subject of the
gallery was supposed to be leonard cohen.  i thot i read that somewhere...


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