kakki wrote:

> Can you all tell me who is styling it this way?  I swear the first I have
> heard of it referred to as a "death" tax is today on the list.  I have
> always heard it referred to as an estate tax.

Any speech by George W Bush the last four-five-six years -

speeches by leading Republicans in the Senate and the House going back to the
Contract on, I mean, with America

back to G W H Bush

back to Reagan

death tax was a spin phrase that arose with the Reagan campaign.

Reagan also brought the disrespectful use of the term "Democrat" party rather
than the proper grammar of Democratic Party; I always thought in return, we
should call the GOP the "Repubs."  The Reagan thinking was that America was
democratic and he did not want to apply that nobel phrase to the party he was
against, so he coined the term "Democrat" party to not call them Democratic.

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