Walk away renee has that much effect on you?

Some songs do that.

Of the great Left Banke oeuvre, it would be Pretty Ballerina for me.  No
idea why, but I can still remember every word of the lyrics.  Thanks to
the internet, you can't hear me sing along...


Pretty Ballerina

I had a date with a pretty ballerina
Her hair so brilliant that it hurt my eyes
I asked her for this dance
and then she obliged me
Was I surprised, yeah
Was I surprised,
no not at all

I called her yesterday,
it should have been tomorrow
I could not keep
the joy that was inside
I begged for her to tell me
if she really loved me
Somewhere a mountain is moving
Afraid it's moving without me

I had a date with a pretty ballerina
Her hair so brilliant that it hurt my eyes
I asked her for this dance
and then she obliged me
Was I surprised, yeah
Was I surprised, no not at all

And when I wake on a dreary Sunday morning
I opened up my eyes to find there's rain
And something strange within said,
"go ahead and find her
Just close your eyes, yeah
Just close your eyes and she'll be there"

She'll be there...

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