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November 4, 2002

Democrat Coup Dbetat
John R. Averyt
Democrats began their attempt to dominate government by coup dbetat in the
year 2000. For the first time, a national party contested presidential
elections in court. The Clinton/McAuliffe axis of evil is in firm control. If
the final outcome remains obscure, the beginnings at least, are clear.
A coup dbetat is, ba sudden, decisive exercise of power whereby the
existing government is subverted without the consent of the people.b Once
consigned to bbanana republicsb south of the border, it has moved north.
George Bush won Florida by an eyelash. Various brulingsb debased the
standard of a legal ballot. At the end, Democrat election officials could
determine for whom the voter had bintended to vote.b The United States
Supreme Court intervened. A coup dbetat was barely avoided. What would have
happened had the high court failed us?
The next coup dbetat came in May 2001. James Jeffords turned his coat,
granting majority status to Senate Democrats. The will of Vermont voters, who
had elected a Republican, was overturned without consent. Coup successful.
Then came New Jersey.
Robert Torricceli dropped out of the New Jersey race for the U.S. Senate. The
Jersey Supreme Court changed the law by fiat. Frank Lautenberg was anointed.
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene. This coup was successful by
Widespread Democrat vote-fraud mini-coups have emerged in Oklahoma, Arkansas,
Iowa, South Dakota, Nevada, Wisconsin and, of course, Florida.
In Oklahoma, many absentee ballot signatures appeared identical. In Florida,
voting forms have been sent to felons in prison. A South Dakotan was paid
twelve thousand dollars to register the dead. Corpses have been enrolled in
Arkansas. In Iowa, false registrations have been taken from telephone books. A
voter in St. Louis actually turned out to be a dead dog. In Wisconsin, the
attorney general, a candidate for governor, traded soda, quarters and pastry
as bribes for votes in an old folksb home. Can anyone explain this sudden
affinity for the Democrat party by the dead and those about to be?
In Miami, a Haitian invasion was staged for the national evening news.
Hundreds of refugees ran from their boat into the streets. Al Sharpton is
riding to the rescue.
Democrat officials in Maryland have excluded 10,000 Republican absentee
ballots. Voters were not informed until October 29, 2002. Too late to allow
new forms to go out and return by mail.
Minnesota Democrats have mutated yet another law. New absentee ballots to
replace votes for dead candidates, once forbidden, are now allowed.
Democrats also protest Republican poll watchers in Miami Dade. Investigators
in Florida have uncovered a plot to smuggle illegal ballots to Hispanic
A U.S. Postal vice president manipulated Postal Service funding away from
Arkansas to Georgia. The purpose? To influence a Senate election in favor of
Max Cleland, Democrat of Georgia. The executive has since resigned.
This reads like Saturday Night Live meets The Gang who Couldnbt Shoot
Straight and the Godfather.
Republicans often charge that Democrats are bereft of ideas. This is not true.
Democrats are full of them. Those that are not larcenous are felonious. Like
the executives of Enron and Worldcom, a bankrupt entity employs them. Instead
of cooking the books, they spin coup dbetat schemes. Doubting their ability
to win by conventional means, they cheat.
A large conventional coup dbetat is not acceptable, so they attempt these
small ones. It is sort of like political terrorism, a dangerous game that
reeks of jackboots and bayonets. If this scares you, it should. These are just
events we know of from press reports. What is really going on out there in our
mad, mad, mad Democrat world?
The true nadir came Tuesday evening, October 30, 2002. Democrats hi-jacked the
memorial service for Paul Wellstone. What should have been a solemn good-bye
degenerated into a Nuremberg hate fest. The death of a fine man, his wife and
daughter, three loyal staffers and two brave pilots was exploited for
political gain.
One kept expecting them to play bHappy Days Are Here Again.b It was an
extraordinary moment of depravity. This public relations debacle erased
Mondalebs bsympathy bounceb in the polls.
Not only have they lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong,
Democrats actively embrace wrong. Like a Faustian influenza, they infect
nearly half our citizenry. Skullduggery on this scale will not go unrequited.
Massive retaliation from Republicans can be expected. Elections will soon be
decided as much in court as at the polls. Watchers could degenerate into
roving gangs. One step down there are brown-shirts. Elections would then be
decided in the streets. The abyss awaits.
The Democrat coup dbetat will not go away. They make blegalb challenges
and plan massive vote fraud. Their next target for Senate subversion is Rhode
Islandbs Lincoln Chafee.
If one wants to combat the evil empire, battle can be joined at the nearest
polling place. Until then, post guards around the cemeteries.

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