kate (hi kate!) wrote:

in my researching for things to say for our joni tribute i came
>across this gem which i think helps to explain her vocal
>sound...btw, i have
>tried this at a friends house who had a baby grand & a cool echoing
>room...its really fun...
>One of the things that we did that was kind of fun <> he had me sing a lot
>it into a grand piano with the ringing pedal down.  So every note I sang
>repeated itself in the strings. If you sing into a grand piano,
>the notes on the strings reproduce the sound of your voice, that's the
amazing thing.

very cool.  a couple of contemporary classical composers do this.  luciano
berio has done a bunch of solo instrumentals he calls 'sequenzas' and a
sequenza for trumpet has the hornist blowing at the strings of an open grand
piano, while a pianist silently depresses the keys into various chords.  so
the piece is a solo.  and it's not.

even better is george crumb's 'ancient voices of children'.  the soprano
sings some of the texts (garcma lorca poems) directly into the piano.  i
heard this live a couple of weeks ago (my company helped produce a three-day
george crumb festival here in new york in september) and i'm still dreaming
about it.

oh, by the way, live music rocks.


np - soundtrack, the man who cried

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