My word, y'all are so ready to bury this fuckin' project before it's even gone retail.
However vulgar the analogy, I will admit that Joni could walk into the vocal booth, take a dump, and issue it with a scratch and sniff patch and I'd probably be blown away and give it five stars. That said, I just want to make clear that I DON'T THINK JONI WAS NECESSARILY TRYING TO MAKE ANY SORT OF 'NEW STATEMENT' BY RECORDING TRAVELOGUE. Moreover, I think she merely was looking to put a new spin on some of the older material she feels 'still holds up'. 'New Spin' and 'New Statement' are 2 different things entirely, so 'Travelogue' will either excite or disappoint depending on the expectations YOU bring to far as I'm concerned, Joni, Vince and the rest of the gang did their part marvelously. With JM's feelings about the industry, I'm surprised she bothered to finish out her contract at all, and I think we're lucky to see a new release , period paragraph! On tour for BSN, she said that 'we had so much fun doing this project, we decided to do another one'. Don't disappoint Joni by being shortsighted about her new CD. -Chris, enjoying my advance of Travelogue to the fullest, save 'Woodstock,' 'Bethlehem,' & 'Sex Kills', and even those are slowly growing on me. --- Christopher Treacy --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.