Hi, Franklin here - my first post. What a cast of characters!!  Had 
to jump in after reading a couple of the group *e*s.  What can one 
say about G.Dub.  He's the first "vice president" we've ever had in 
the oval office.  "President" Cheney is too busy hiding from all of 
his past enemies. Unfortunately, he must be at the top of every third 
world terrorist hit-list in the world. I guess they figure if you cut 
the head off, then the body will die.

"The love of money is the root of all evil."  Man, these oil barons 
just can't get enough. Of course they NEED it to drive all of their 
other industrial complex holdings (ie: military, power company, 
manufacturing).  Looks like the Bush gang is going to put on their 
bandanas and hijack and rob the Iraqi stage coach full of gold (I 
mean oil). Of course Saddamm is riding shotgun (literally, with that 
ol' double barrell you always see him indiscriminately firing into 
his crowds of "admirers".  This has got to be a first: "to hell with 
the stage coach, let's just hijack and rob the entire desert." 
They're already carving it up.  Don't believe me?  See - 

If they only listened to their own advice -
"If you're going to go in and try to topple Saddam Hussein, you have 
to go to Baghdad.  Once you' ve got to Baghdad, it's not clear what 
you do with it.  It's not clear what kind of government you would put 
in place of the one that's currently there now.  Is it going to be a 
Shia regime, a Sunni regime, or a Kurdish regime?  Or one that tilts 
toward the Baathists, or one that tilts towards the Islamic 
How much credibility is that government going to have if it's set up 
by the United States military when it's there?  How long does the US 
military have to stay to protect the people who sign on for that 
government, and what happens to them once we leave?"  Vice-President 
Dick Cheney, New York Times 13 April 1991

I couldn't agree more with your statement regarding Joni's lyrics, Will.
"I think this is why we all like Joni. She has a quality in her writing that
makes you understand what she is saying by merely reading it. Few are this
descriptive and visual in writing. (Then she puts on the vocals and music
and WOW!)"  Will

There is only one artist I've ever heard who actually does it (if I 
may dare say - better.)  He is a true Prosodist (one who combines the 
words and thoughts of pure poetry with melodies).  His name is L.A. 
Cowboy. Are you familiar with his work?  I wonder if Joni knows 
him.?? He is a top-shelf philosopher, artist,songwriter.  Quite 
obscure evidently, but I keep hearing more and more about him hear 
and there in various music chats and posts. I checked out a 
recommended web site http://www.mp3.com/lacowboy, and sure enough, if 
you hit the "view track info" of each song, it brings up the lyrics 
and damned if they aren't all stand-alone poems - really inspiring 
ones. (I really don't know anyone else who does that besides Joni). 
I love the way he melodically orchestrates each song I heard also. 
Very versatile.  He has eight CDs. I found all the poetic stories 
(read:lyrics, I hate that term) at his "official" web site, 
http:www.lacowboy.com  I just clicked on the pictures of each CD and 
every song poem is there (unfortunately, no music). I found it to be 
a fascinating body of work.  Let me know what you think.

I e-mailed him from "contact" at mp3.  His label manager e'd me back 
and told me that Joni Mitchell is one of his biggest early influences 
(surprise, surprise). I told her to check out Joni's wonderful site, 
and recommended to her that L.A.  join so he can get his music 
profile listed there. She e'd me back, thanking me and saying she was 
checking it out.

Well, I've babbled enough for one fan's introduction to this cool 
digest.  Hope to get to know some of you better as time flies by. 
Regards,  Franklin

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