B-O-B wrote "And kudos to you for your report! Wish I could have been
there...maybe I need to find a "Sugar Mama" who will treat me to the spoiled
lifestyle I so richly deserve!"

yes, kakki definately deserves an award for coming all the way from LA &
back through such a big  rainstorm & then she's already posting about it so

i tell you, all you have to do is mention the name joni mitchell & the
finest musicans come out of the woodwork begging to play..for free! my
hardest job was finally having to say no to someone when i was worried about
the length of the program...not to mention the hords of people standing
outside in the rain who couldn't get in because we were full to capacity!!!

seeing as we still haven't gotten the recordings of last years tribute to
even the performers, don't hold you breath for this one any time soon...i'm
really good at starting projects but a little lacking in the followup when
so much is calling me to start something...heh heh

major thanks to yael who really helped jeff & i in so many ways...i haven't
heard the tape yet but here is the set list:

1        The Dawntreader-Pat Milliken
2        Urge for Going-Jeff Bisch & Jack Lee
3        Both Sides Now-Tammy Gillispie & Ron Atman
4        Chelsea Morning & Urge for Going-Donna O'Connor
5        I Think I Understand-Marcella & George Quirin
*        Jim Messina story about Joni
6        That Song About the Midway-Anastasia & John
7        I Don't Know Where I Stand-Bill Lanphar & Heather Stevenson
8        The Gallery-Yael Harlap
9        Conversation-Antara & Delilah w/ Heather
10       The Priest-Brad        Bayley
11       Circle Game-Laura Hout
12       Big Yellow Taxi-Cinder Jean
13       Blue-Nicola Gordon
14       Carey-Kate, Jack Lee & Michael Adcock
15       California & Little Green-Joyce Heilig, Jack Lee & Michael Adcock
16       All I Want-Marcella & George   Quirin
17       River-Donna O'Connor
18       For Free &  A Case of You-Doug Ingoldsby & Jeff Pevar
19       For the Roses &  Electricity-Pat Milliken, Anita Bayley, Brad Bayley &
Barbara Mosley
20       You Turn Me On Im a Radio & Woman of Heart and Mind-Cinder Jean
21       Help Me-Marcella & George Quirin
22       Free Man in Paris-Heather Stevenson, Antara & Delilah
23       Centerpiece-Laura Hout, Marcella & George Quirin & Barbara Mosley
24       Coyote-Michael Adcock, Tom Fogel, & Peter Kornbluth
25       Dry Cleaner from Des Moines & Goodbye Pork Pie Hat-Karen Thurber
26       Cherokee Louise-Antara & Delilah
27       Night Ride Home-Kate, Jack Lee, & Michael Adcock
28       Woodstock-Kate, Jack Lee, Michael Adcock, Jeff Bisch, Doug Ingoldsby,
Jeff Pevar,     Anastasia & John

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
Over the Moon-
"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
to life almost like magic" All Music Guide

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