Okay, since I've been taking part in a political discussion, SOME people find less 
than titillating - I have been moved to bring up a subject I've been mulling over for 
a few weeks now...

I am sometimes rankled by Joni's references (not undeserved) to herself as an original 
and her criticism of the lack of originality in the music industry today.  She has 
influenced countless musicians across many genres - but sometimes I feel she is 
critical of artists who create music in which her influence is obvious - sometimes I 
think she credits her influence on an artist more than I would (Sting for e.g.). 

So - this all has me thinking - when is an artist ground breaking - when an artist 
truly comes up with something new or combines influences in a way that has never been 
done before?  Specifically - when do you think Joni broke some ground?  And what was 
her contribution - lyrical...musical.  For pop/rock music history buffs - or heck for 
people who were actually cognizant at the time - how do you see Joni in the context of 
popular music?  How about in music in general? Did she truly become an original right 
of the bat with STAS - or was that more a logical, albeit creative outflow of what was 
happening around and before her? 

I have a zillion other thoughts/questions, but let's leave it at that....  Jenny

Oh dear, now that I'm reading this over Bob M. - I'm not sure it's all that more 
interesting than oil/war! : )
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