For pop/rock music history buffs - or heck for people who were actually
cognizant at the time - how do you see Joni in the context of popular
music?  How about in music in general? Did she truly become an original
right of the bat with STAS - or was that more a logical, albeit creative
outflow of what was happening around and before her? 

Both.  She was truly original right off the bat and was taking in
everything that was happening around and before her which helped shape her
creative outflow.  I think it was definately a combination and that both
elements are important.  What would be interesting, is if the Joni now, who
is 59, could meet the 25 year old Joni.  I wonder what kind of a
conversation they would have.  As much as Joni talks about influencing
other people, she herself was undoubtedly influenced by other musicians
around her.  

I've often wondered if she is a Nick Drake fan as they both debuted albums
at roughly the same time, though across the ocean from each other.


--- Victor Johnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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