A few days ago, it wouldn't load at all.  Today I noticed it calls the new
album "Travelogue".  I thought it had "A" at the beginning so I did some
digging.  JJ's official site called it "A Travelogue" on 9/16 when the track
list was announced.  By 10/16, it was just "Travelogue".

I'm using the Lo bandwidth version and the "scroll down" button doesn't
work.  The site is kinda pretty, I guess but isn't it more important that it
actually *WORK*?  Maybe it's optomized for the poor saps who fell for Macs.
heh heh.

Anyway, Raffaele said
>>>>I was browsing a monthly magazine here in London today and saw an ad for
Travelogue. It's official: it'll be released in the UK on the 25 Nov. And
there's more! The collector's edition has an hard back booklet plus a CD Rom
with a virtual gallery of Joni's paintings.>>>>>

Now Lama again.  What the hell?  If there's more than one edition in the
USA, (not America, okay?)  the Nonesuch.com site doesn't say it.  Is the set
a pair of those "Enhanced CD" dealies with graphics or 2 CDs and a CD-ROM
besides?  In USA Today on September 5, they said of "A Travelogue" (sic)
'Mitchell designed the packaging, which features examples of her paintings,
a book and extensive liner notes.'

What exactly is the packaging on the Advance Release?



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