Hi Kakki,
Before we go any further - what does (pc) stand for? Something as simple as personal computer, as opposed to Mac (which I have)?

<kakki> Problem with me is I also read about conspiracies saying it is the world wide socialist internationalists who are behind most of the chaos in the
world. They want to destroy the current system so that they can finally
have their lifelong dream realized of worldwide communism. There is truly
compelling evidence that this may be true, too, with all the links and
connections adding up, etc.

<Franklin> Actually, I get the idea that they don't necessarily want worldwide communism. Initially, they simply thought that through their "secret, enlightened" societies, they could organize the rabble of the world into something other than ignorant, chaotic masses. Somehow, money got into the picture: money equals control, type thing. Then they began to view the masses as nothing more, nothing less, than an inferior resource, yet a resource nonetheless. And what are resources for if not to exploit?

<Franklin from earlier post to kakki> As Jim (hi, I'm nuts, self-centered, self-destructive and lovin' it) Morrison put it "They've got the guns but we've got the numbers." Trouble is, we don't have the numbers. People want to go about their struggles, pursuits,lives and gather up their own little trickle-down trinkets off of the Master's tables. Maybe you're right afterall.

<kakki> Yes, people have not much choice than to go along and try to make a living and survive ultimately. Sure we can overthrow all the rich but where does that then leave us?

<Franklin> I am not, and never have advocated "overthrowing" the "rich". "Violence begets violence" - God got that right(what am I implying? He gets EVERYTHING right)! All false religion ends in violence. But back to the "rich, the haves", whatever you want to call them: Even in the Bible, God does not frown on wealth (look what he restored ten-fold to Job, who was already filthy -pardon the term - extraordinarily rich. Solomon had it all. Isaiah was a very wealthy prince.) It is "the love of money that is the root of all evil." No, I don't want to take away anything from anybody. I do not desire a penny more or a penny less than what I earn. I am not spiteful, jealous, or envious of other's blessings. Yet God does frown terribly on exploiting the poor, the needy, the sick, the old, young. He despises profit by deceit, treachery and murder.

My point is that this shadow government is totally unconcerned about the source or consequences of their profits; be it drugs (legal and illegal - they totally control the "regulated" flow of cocaine into our cities under the auspices of an "experiment" - "after all, we can't stop it, so let's attempt to control it". Yeah, and all the tens of billions in HARD, untraceable cash that goes with this "noble endeavor") The legal drugs are a MAJOR part of their coffers: they control the flow and exorbitant prices of these also - it's no longer about educating people to live correctly, eat, exercise, sleep etc. This would totally cripple their multi-hundred billion dollar per year empire. I read something like the average senior has $12,000 in prescriptions a year alone, not counting hospital and physician care!!!

2) military industrial products made only to destroy (of course they use the euphemism "defend") which is a trillion dollar a year industry. They have to continually seek out clients, customers etc.. and don't care much where it all ends up - hell, they scramble to make sure the other side orders from them too.

3) The energy cartel end: where ever it is, they will get their hands on it at all costs, wheeling and dealing, secretive alliances, propped up Dictators. There are other areas.

4)Huge construction projects are a mammoth source of revenue: the $500,000,000 dollar war ship-building facility that Trent Lott rammed through Congress for his district and home state. Those with sense and decency in his state screamed out that it was totally useless, a foolish, wasteful idea. It was never completed and went into bankruptcy, an unfinished mess just sitting there corroding. Who pocketed THAT money?

These are just a few of their more visible means of "supporting" the "family".

No, I don't want to strip any money off of anyone for redistribution. I don't want a class war. The plundering of the middle-class in the name of looting them and using their hard-earned tax money to exploit and pizz of the rest of the world has simply got to be stopped somehow. I'm afraid it just can't. THEY (the loose-knit shadow fascist government billionaire's club), and they are loose-knit; this is no rigid organization by any means. Some are more powerful than others. I'd just love to know which ones call the "president" and give him direct commands and orders on what to say and do!! It would be far easier to expose and dismantle if it was more outwardly organized) are simply too well dug in. Way, way deeply dug in.

It is the untold suffering, strife, and spiritual, physical and mental carnage that they so cavalierly leave in their wake that is despicable. Their "noble" quest to subjugate and "save" us "natives" around the planet (U.S.A. citizens included) from ourselves by lying, hiding their agendas is wickedness incarnate.

 <kakki> Do you think everyone will be pure and devoid of greeed
and the lust for power?  It's never happened yet in the history of human
Not on your life do I think that everyone will be devoid of those defects. Yet throughout history there are untold numbers who have. Those who found and accepted the truth. Only those who are justified, sanctified and purified by total surrender and submission to the Holy Spirit through recognition and personal acceptance of the greatest sacrifice in eternity - the sacrifice of God's only begotten son to save a lost, insane asylum of a sin-littered world. Only one person at a time. Only those who chose.

<Franklin had said in a previous statement when kakki surmised that they didn't share certain information so as not to panic the public> The perfect excuse. They don't want the public to panic???? Did you say, "maybe they don't want the public to panic"????? That's all they've been doing for a year 24/7 on every major news channel and newspaper chain THEY own is trying to PANIC the public - in case you didn't notice. ;-) They absolutely want that!!

<kakki> No I meant to refer to why people weren't told 20 years ago when we were receiving threats. I thought you were referring to that.
<Franklin> THEY were causing, perpetrating, inciting sh.t for their financial gains twenty years ago and still are. They don't SHARE these things for the public curiosity and enlightenment. THEY HAVE to HIDE them. ALWAYS. Stealth and duplicity are the methods of choice for accomplishing most of THEIR aims. To be exposed would be to be deposed. THEY will avoid that at all costs, thus layers and layers and layers of lackeys -witting and unwitting. Misinformation galore, all for the public "good". Do you think O.J. thinks he killed Nicole? Of course not, not him. But he Has to realize it was the OTHER O.J. You know, the one he laid to rest in an unmarked grave in his subconscious. So it is with THEM.

"Ritual, tradition and pageantry have never set a sinner free. When the truth is suppressed than an artist must cry. You can steal a soul with a smile and a lie." L.A. Cowboy - "The Brilliant Failure" from the longe,r hidden track version at end of CD of same name.

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