walterphil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<< listened to the "travelog" links today 
and i find them so sad
why would joni release so many of her old songs
when to me every comparison
to the way her voice used to sound
just makes me wince.
and just as i thought---
i hate the lame orchestrations
i wish she'd just give up cigarettes
laura nyro did
and her voice improved.
judy collins and joan baez' voices are still beautiful
and neither smokes. >>

        Wow, I had the exact opposite reaction listening to the
Travelogue links!
        I am enthralled with the way Joni's voice has matured and find
the symphonic interpretations gorgeous.
        Her timbre and phrasing on the 12 songs I've heard blow me away
with their powerful subtlety.
        Wouldn't it be nice if singers didn't get older and sounded the
way they did when they were 20 at the age of 60?
        I don't think so!
        To me Joni sounds better with each successive album, vocally and
musically. I rarely listen to her early albums for this reason.
        Thank God/dess she doesn't sound more like Judy Collins or Joan
Baez because they both bore me to tears!
        Perhaps Madonna should start chain smoking. Maybe then she'd
finally stop sounding like a teenager who snorted too much coke....
        I find the most impressive rendition on Travelogue You Dream Flat
        What is really so sad is a music industry which promotes sex
instead of talent!
        NP: Incubus "Science" (awesome!)

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