Just had this question from Gene Shay
[I can't keep up at the moment so sorry
if this has just been discussed]

>Do you know what happened to the Canadian production on Joni? Now, I 
>understand it will be produced by Channel 13 in New York (Public TV).
>    A woman called me from 13 and asked if I had any photos of Joni, I sent 
>her the few that I do have---shots taken backstage with me and Tom Rush at 
>the Tower Theater, Phila following a concert I produced in the 70s as a 
>benefit for The Main Point Coffee House. I also had one with Joni, Ed Sciaky 
>and me, on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. That was 
>during a peace march on Washington---early 80s, I think.

Anyone have the latest

best to all

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