> A bit of a stretch of a review of BSN, believe it or not. (Good old Christians, they 
>can even see Christ in a plate of spaghetti if they try hard enough...)

And the right-wing Christians always see Marxists, too, and always as
something very very scary. That's strange to me since, on today's
political spectrum, Christ is more of a Marxist than a right-wing,
individual-above-all capitalist, but right-wing Christians can't seem to
grasp that. The more right-wing the writer, the sooner Marxists are
mentioned, and a Marxist in a right-winger's view is anyone with even
slightly liberal opinions so there are LOTS OF THEM... ooooh those big
bad scary Marxists are gonna overrun us all! Save me Jesus from the
Marxist hordes worshipping the Dylan! LOL! As though there's not enough
real stuff in the world to worry about!

"She seems a reluctant Holy Ghost combating the rigors of the Trinity."

High praise indeed since the Holy Ghost is one form of God according to
Christians. His statement doesn't make much sense, but it does show that
the "reviewer" likes Joni so much he considers her a Goddess. Is this
guy on the joni list? 

And this cracked me up:

"It's clear that the only male left who could interest Mitchell is Jesus
of Nazareth."

Well, obviously a Goddess needs a God in order to be satisfied. Mere-man
Don from Canada never had a chance.

I wonder if this article is in Myrtle's collection.

Debra Shea

NP: Bruce Cockburn's "Someone I Used to Love" from Dart to the Heart

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