Gordon Mackie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I thnk it was Fred who said that Joni might hear things that I don't 
>in Mendoza's orchestrations.Sure, no doubt... and he asked why Joni 
>would work with him again...I dunno...people end up working with 
>people for all sorts of reasons...even more than once.

All other reasons aside, given Joni's consistently passionate involvement in 
music, do you think she would hire Mendoza (twice) to shepherd such a vital, 
monumental task if she wasn't completely thrilled and delighted with his 
work? Of course not. So doesn't this make you stop and think and reconsider 
what it is about Mendoza's work that she admires? At worst, your opinion 
won't change; at best, it will ... and you'll be thrilled and delighted, too.


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