I don't get the JM orchestral stuff at all. Wow, it's like a parody or something... (easy now gang - just an opinion from a "Blue" C&S" lover). Didn't someone else already ask, "what was she thinking?" I think so, so I won't.

Thanks for the post on the "Post" page 6. I love Joni's brutal honesty. She doesn't pander to anybody, I can tell. Particularly the poodles of popular "culture". The idea that their status allows them immunity from criticism, particularly of the highly insightful and perceptive variety, is exactly what has kept the airwaves, TV channels polluted with so much worthless garbage for so long. (Oh, we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings - particularly an artist, er, I mean celebrity. You know how fragile they can be.)

If more people insisted on quality as opposed to acquiescing to incessant, hammering, relentless "marketing", payola scams etc, there just might be another cultural revolution. The trouble is that this has gone on for so long that most of the "masses" no longer have any idea what real culture is. As L.A. Cowboy said in an interview: "Mediocrity is the bane of the masses".

BTY: Did I read someone (Bree...) use the term mature and Madonna in the same sentence? Now THAT'S a keeper!! Thank you so much. I collect excellent oxymorons.

Forever yours, Franklin
NP - you guessed it! "Conspiracy Theory" song by Steve Earle - excellent. My only question as I listen is, "does this have some truth in it, or is it just HIS theory?" lol

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