thanks for not killing me on that last email i wrote
about joni smoking and my
negative review of the joni samples from "travelog"

i felt bad all day after i wrote it
cause i do love her music so dearly

just a few more thoughts:

am i the only one who liked "taming the tiger"?
i found it rich and textured
with at least half a dozen good songs.
i'm amazed its always near the bottom of the album list
here in the voting section.
granted its not a "for the roses"
but it sure beats the pants off of that god awful
"dog eat dog" or "chalk mark"
i would put it on par at least with "indigo"
or "night ride." listen to it again people! and again!

yes i realize madonna is dumb as dirt 
you just have to watch any of her interviews on any talk show...
but she is very talented and has a cool voice to boot.
once again all you nay sayers, (inc. joni!) please just listen
to "ray of light." you'll see.

by the same token that larry king is an even bigger idiot
who never does his homework and goads his guests
into ridiculous situations. even worse is that
horrible charlie rose. ick
Makes you pine for tom snyder. (kidding! kidding!)
(remember his interview with john lennon? i always
kringe thinking about it)
by the way, david letterman is at least intelligent,
but shouldn't be ALLOWED to talk to any rock acts
(joni or otherwise)
cause he doesn't know anything about music
and has such awful taste. ditto for jay leno, obviuosly.
(bring back dick cavett or david frost please)

and as an aside gripe
whats with all the rap crap on saturday night live?
is that what current fans of that show really want?
(and i wonder why joni was never on?)

and while judy and joan may be a bit boring
in their old age, one just has to
give "in my life" or "any day now"
a quick spin to hear how great they were
in their heyday

a joni quote i'll always remeber
someone in a rolling stone interview
asked her if she was happy
and she said something like
"oh sure ..when i'm running in the kitchen to makes some toast.."
i just love that
always think of joni when i'm
spreadin around the marmalade.

and does anyone remember the interview with joni
in RS by morrissey? (x smiths and fabulous artiste)
a classic!
i saved it
(actually have an expanded version of it on cd)

and you know what?
i think joni may have slipped when
she said she hated madonna
probably meant to say
that awful britney spears or christine aguilera!

xxx to you and miss joni
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