Are we still expecting an album of Christmas songs? River isn't on Travelogue (unless 
I have missed it completely) but Chinese Cafe is, but not Facelift... Not sure if I 
would be looking forward to an album of Xmas songs but not including River in this 
bunch really stings...

Joni has said recently in W magazine that this will be her swansong, which will be 
disappointing (but she has really wanted out of the music biz since 1970 so I don't 
blame her, probably why she has never given up the smokes, cuz she never saw herself 
in the biz for that long!). I read the article on yahoo news somewhere.

 can't wait for Monday!!!!!!!!

(cuz, you see, we in the UK will get it on the 18th, according to but the 
post being what it is, I expect I'll get it on the 25th!


Much Joni



Jamie Zoob


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