> The critics should be able to be honest. (And like Blair says, you have
to know the tastes of the critic to begin with.) They're not afraid to pan
Dylan, or JT, or McCartney, or anyone. Joni doesn't play to them anyway...I
think our reactions around dealing with bad reviews of the artists we
idolize are more about *our* own egos anyway. 

That's very true.  I remember reading a review of a Grateful Dead concert I
attended in the Greensboro News and Record.  The only thing the reviewer
found worth mentioning was the Chuck Berry cover that they played...all the
other incredible ORIGINAL songs meant nothing to him.  But hey, he's just
being honest. :-}  As with Joni, critics have been fairly irrelevant to the
success of the Grateful Dead.  

Its not so much a bad review that I mind...its just irritating when someone
simply doesn't get something and tries to categorize it, to place it in a
box.  But that's the nature of critics.  I think too, that the disparity
about her singing that has been shown on this list...is pretty mild
compared to how the average fan may react, or critics for that matter, who
do not have a predisposed love for Ms. Mitchell.  Yes, our own egos
definately come into play here.

Victor, winner last night of two free tickets to any Grey Eagle show in the
next year at the "Grey Eagle open mic competition"...I've managed so far to
miss Victoria Williams, Stacy Earle, Ellis Paul this year...but I'm sure
there are more great shows to come...

NP: Tom Waits "We're all Mad Here"

--- Victor Johnson
Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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