Wow> Debra Geez I am speechless with your review. Thanks for liking the 
weakest link (me) as well. It was all the band that held me up there. That 
was a bouzouki that Beth was playing and I had the idea for heer to do a 
Metheny type solo on that to give it more of an Americana feel. I am glad you 
are enjoying the albums and look forward to finishing the series out sometime 
in the Spring (Marsalis, Lahm, and of COURSE Queenie). BTW now you know why I 
call Beth my wicked step sister. I was forced to leave that in against my 
better judgement and maybe if I am drunk enough sometime I will tell some of 
the stories about where all these litle sayings come from. Another fave of 
Beth's is Ouch Phone (please no graphics). My best to you.


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