When initially came here figured this was a land of grownup flower children.
All this talk of sluts, whores, and bimbos has me thinking what kind of
judgement is this?  Guess by some standards Janis would be considered a whore.
I remember hearing similar words to describe her way back when.  I, for one,
don't care who is doing whom and how often they do it.  None of my business.
Though guilty of judgement myself in far too many matters; have to strive to
not be so.  Years ago in that small city of Amarillo we would sit closely to
the ladies of the night at a local Denny's, after a night of carousing.
Rather liked them.  'there's a lot to be said for the working girl.'-missy
  Purported self serving stars, in whatever venue, will get no rancor from me.
Like Janis said "get it while you can."


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