Jerry wrote:

> Yes she did, though we never did get it printed up for mass distribution.
> do still have it and the cover electronically and will send it out to
anyone who
> asks. Just don't ask for any more revisions. Those are done!

I still wish we could do a mass distribution of it.  Jerry - even though I
was somewhat (lol) present at the J-Fest where some multiple special
editions were given by Marian, I never got to see them!  I would love to see
a pic of the cover if you can email it.  I've told the story before so sorry
for the redundancy - but for newer listers - when I saw Joni at her '99
painting exhibit in L.A. ALL she wanted to talk about was that cookbook.
She absolutely loved it.  People around us were changing the subject but she
kept going back to the cookbook and the bios (very clever and funny) that we
sent along with it.  The best part of all was an interview published a few
months later where she mentioned the cookbook from her "internet people"
most glowingly ;-)  She really loved it - a testament to the creativity and
talent of the people here.


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