By the way, a movie is contained on a number of reels and the
projectionist knows when to start the next projector when he/she sees a
black or red spot in the upper right hand corner of the screen - first
there is one spot, count to 10, the second spot, and hit the button on
the next projector.  The spots also generally signal a total sound and
scene change, which is fun to spot in advance.  And since a director has
to end a scene on the second spot in a sequence, only 10 seconds to
finish a scene after the first spot, because of the reel change, you can
catch a bit of the pace and directors art by following the spots.

Either a person can see those spots or they can't.  They are designed to
be unobtrusive but I can't miss them.  Tried to show them to some people
and they never saw them, thought I was making it up.

I taught Gage how to spot the spots during Harry Potter tonight, and
damn he caught on!   He actually caught two before I did!

More proof that he is my grandchild and will grow up to be as an
obsessed fool with trivial knowledge as I am.

But what the hell, it is fun him and I high fiving whenever we see the
spots and having others in the audience wonder what in the world we are


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