Someone wrote and asked me what i was referring to with the Haagen Daz
incident so although I wrote it here years ago, I shall do so again:

UJohn and I had come back from the supermarket and put the shopping
away. we were arguing. I had a plastic carrier bag in my hand and i
threw it at him in mock temper. Anyway, unbeknowns to me, it had a pot
of HD in it. It hit him in the forehead and knocked him to the floor,
dazed. Talk about being petrified! I rushed him to hosptial and by the
time we got there, a huge black bruise and developed right in his
forehead. He was examined and scanned and given the all clear but the
staff fell about when I told them what had happened. John was not angry
with me at all but annoyed that i had told the truth to the staff. He
thought I would get charged or something.
I can see it as funny but it wasn;t at the time. Now I make sure if I
throw something at him, it is soft!

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