Bob wrote:

> True, but can't it also mean "coming back" from one or more
> weaker efforts? C'mon Hell, be flexible! ;~) But to support your
> case, Steely Dan's latest would be considered a comeback due
> to their ridiculously long absence, so both definitions apply, I think...

Certainly, I just wanted to clarify exactly what I interpreted come-back to
mean, in terms of the theme of the thread at the time.  I agree you could
apply that term to any number of different circumstances, and still be

> Again, point well made & taken. But even though he didn't do all the
> writing, the cd's got his stinging stamp all over it, and like you say it
> IS officially a Santana record. And as Santana's never been a vocalist
> anyway, it sort of puts him in a bit of a different category.

That's true as well, my point was just that I don't think the album would
not have done anything much if not for those other artists contributions.
Carlos Santana is an incredibly talented performer, and has produced some
stand-out work, but I don't think it's coincidental that the songs that got
the most air-play, and had the most success, were those written by his
collaborators - who were popular in the industry at the time it was

> So, the bottom line is...we agree!? :~)

Oh, all right then.....  I was just spoiling for a fight ;o)!  Someone post
something about NZ music being crap - that will get me going!

Mind you, everyone will be posting about how much they love Travelogue in a
couple of days, and that will get my blood boiling.  I've been to three
music stores here in the last week, and no one knows anything about it!
I'll have to try the Borders store, damn it!  Although they lied last time,
and told me the hat box was available when it wasn't.....

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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